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13 de março de 2013

Respondendo um comentário sobre Hugo Chàvez

George Galloway
Um usuário anônimo postou o seguinte comentário no texto "Chàvez morreu. Todos 'Chorão'.":
"Porque alfabetizou 2 milhões de venezuelanos que não sabiam ler nem escrever"
O autor acabou de tirar a autoria da vontade própria de 2 milhões de pessoas e transferiu isso pro Chaves, ninguém alfabetiza ninguém, exceto o professor. Há quem diga que isso é mascarado, basta olhar os "analfabetos funcionais" do Brasil que mal sabem escrever o próprio nome. Em qualquer país mediano seria considerado analfabeto, mas aqui não é bem por aí.
Sendo completamente sincero, eu não tenho capacidade para responder você, já que nunca estive na Venezuela antes e apenas recebo as informações que desejam que eu receba. Mas, para não deixá-lo na mão, trouxe um amigo que pode responder sobre isso.

Apenas peço desculpas pela mania dele de gritar, mas parece que ele se irrita um pouco com a prepotência do desconhecimento alheio.

George Galloway (born 16 August 1954) is a British politician, author, journalist, and broadcaster, and the Respect Member of Parliament (MP) for Bradford West.
After first coming to public attention as the General Secretary of War On Want (1983-87), Galloway was elected a Labour Party MP (until 2003) in the 1987 general election representing Glasgow Hillhead and (from 1997) its successor constituency Glasgow Kelvin. He remained the MP for the later seat until 2005. In October 2003, Galloway had been expelled from the Labour Party after being found guilty of four of the five charges of bringing the Labour Party into disrepute.[1]
He became a founding member of the left-wing Respect in 2004, and was elected as the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow at the general election the following year.[2] In 2010, Galloway unsuccessfully contested the seat of Poplar and Limehouse, and in 2011 he unsuccessfully contested the Glasgow list for the Scottish Parliament, before being returning as a Westminster MP at the 2012 Bradford West by-election.[3][4]
In the late 1980s Hansard records him delivering a ferocious assault on the Ba'ath regime, and Galloway opposed Saddam's regime until the United States-led Gulf War in 1991.[5] Galloway visited Iraq in 1994 and delivered a speech to Saddam Hussein which ended in English with the statement "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."[6] He has always stated that he was addressing the Iraqi people in the speech.[7] Galloway testified to the United States Senate in 2005 over alleged illicit payments from the United Nations' Oil for Food Programme.[8]
Galloway is a campaigner supporting the Palestinian side of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict who advocates an anti-Zionist stance.
Wikipedia  )

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Um comentário:

  1. Muito bom. Se possível, gostaria que você fizesse uma matéria falando o por que as noticias que recebemos de lá ou são distorcidas, isso quando recebemos...


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